21 March 2011

Female posessive, muski rod noun in the Genentive Case.

Iznad Mikalinog Kreveta - above Michaela's Bed. This is a phrase we were practicing (directions) in class the other day, and I was trying to figure out how to get all these words right when Jen said " it's female possesive, with a muski rod noun and in the genitve case".  Thanks hon now I am even more confused. 
This is a simple phrase right, but that is all the things I have to think of to make this simple phrase.  What gender, what part of speech, which case.  This phrase does not even include a verb which would have to be conjugated one of 6 ways.  Some days I get really frustrated with language, then I think of all the things that have to be done speak correctly and I am no longer frustrated, just hopeless.  We are fighting the good fight and trying to learn.  Looking back over the year we have come a log way but we still have a long way to go.

20 March 2011

Thoughts on Number 3

Wilson is 10 weeks old today so I thought I would take a few minutes reflecting on life with three kids.  My first thought - it is great.  I can't even remember our family with just the girls (that's probably from lack of sleep). Wilson really has completed our family (note I said completed, that means finished).  The girls absolutely adore him and they are both great helpers.  It's not all fun and games, I am not a big fan of interupted sleep.  He's doing better the past couple of weeks but the getting up at 6:00 is for the birds.  That's where life has really changed.  It takes a lot longer getting everyone ready and out the door.  I get up early and get myself ready then get the girls fed and dressed - I do not do hair, it just results in a tragic mess.  Jen gets herself ready and handles Wilson. We are also a sight out and about.  Serbian families are usually small - only one kid mostly- so all these blond heads really stand out now.  We feel like we are better parents with Wilson.  A little older, a little wiser, and a whole lot more in tune with God.  We have a lot less with him, and that's good we have learned you don't need all the bells and whistles to raise a happy kid.  It helps to have two sisters who are always "entertaining" him.  We are also using cloth diapers, but that will be a story for the next blog. 

11 March 2011

Took a Little Trip

My view every morning, sun rise over Germany

Last week our Company held some training/fellowship in Germany.  It was amazing! I know right now you are asking why was it so amazing, so I'll tell you.
1.  Every morning we woke up to the sunrise over the foothills of the mountians.  Every morning was a beautiful reminder that we serve an amazing God!
2.  We got to see and hug friends from our training we had not seen for a long time.  For me this was the best part.  Skype, email, and facebook are great - but being with someone is the best.  It was bittersweet not all the people we love were there but beggars can't be choosers.
3.  We had amazing food all week.  I love eating well and then not having to do the dishes.
4.  Our kids saw old friends and made new ones, they had a wonderful time playing and being kids.
5.  Words are not sufficient for the team of volunteers from Dallas that came to take care of the kids.  They put on a super VBS program and poured into our kids with an immeausrable amount of love for the week.
6.  WORSHIP! I could not put my finger on why this worship was so amazing, but today in my quiet time I was reading about worshiping in spirit and truth.  That's what happened last week.  Worshiping with 50 people who love Jesus with all their heart.  It has been a while since we have gotten to do that.
7.  Being in the Word every morning, hearing amazing testimonies, being taught by people that had experienced what we are experiencing made for a great week.
What we do is hard, sometimes its lonely, sometimes its frustrating, often it is rewarding but it takes spending time with others who are doing it to put it into perspective.  Sharing success and failures with others, hearing what is happening all around Europe, this was what made my week.  Germany is a beautiful country but being with these great people all week that was Beautiful.  Here are some more pics of our little adventure.
watch out for that plane!
Wilson's first airplane ride
pure joy
cool swing
Miki and Nunny watching a movie
Jen and Michelle at Starbucks