27 April 2010

Serpski Skoli Sistem (Serbian School System)

This week in language school we have been talking about the Serbian school system and with Kyleigh a part of that I thought this would be a good time to explain it to all of you. Ordinary school lasts from 1st till 8th grade.  The kids start 1st grade when they are 7.  1st through 4th grade all the kids stay in the same class with the same teacher.  This is great for stability but probably horrible if you get a bad teacher or don't like the kids in your class.  These years the kids have 5 classes a day and go to school for about 3 hours.  Kyleigh has math, Serbian, English, science everyday and they rotate in music, art and PE.  Starting in 5th grade the students day gets longer (about 6 hours) as more classes are added.  After 8th grade students choose (based on some entrance exams I think) weather to go to Gymnasium (sort of like American High school) or vocational school.  The neat thing is that vocational school does not stop one from attending university , although if you do go to vocational school your university choice must be in the same field as your vocational school. So one big difference in Serbia is you have to choose a carer path much sooner.  Also the upper grades are very test driven and university is all about exams, but in a very different way then in the US, it's more rote memorization as opposed to problem solving.  So far we have enjoyed K's schooling here.  Her math is really good but its gonna take some time to determine the quality, needless to say Jen will be home school supplementing this summer.
Any way hope that gives you a glance into school here in Serbia
  This is Kyleigh's school Dushko Radivich - it's named after a mand that wrote childrens television programs and books - he's kinds the Mr. Roger's of Serbia.

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