02 August 2012

Adventures in Greece Part 3: Vacation

If you missed part 1 or 2 click here or here.
After a harrowing bus ride and a great conference with our company we took a few days for vacation in Athens.  We were fortunate to share a great space with our friends W and M and their kids, as well as spend time with our friends R and K.  As a history buff I was really excited to be in Athens and the great historical sights but the best thing was seeing Mars Hill, where Paul preached in Acts 17.  Kyleigh and I were able to make a quick trip to Corinth and see some amazing sights and walk the streets that Paul had walked.  To quote Miki:  "Athens is nice, mostly old rocks, when are we going to the beach!"  So we spent one day at a great beach with all our friends and their kids.  It was sandcastle building time.  My most favorite thing of all was the great Gyros, the food was amazing and I will have to suffer through Gyros here in Belgrade that are not nearly as good.    It was a great vacation, the trip home was much smoother and alot less messy (although we did take a prop plane home, not the best way to fly but still better then an 18 hour drive).

This story is best told in pictures:
Headed up to the Parthenon, this particular spot is known as last place for shade

In front of the 'Old" Temple

The "new" Temple

All this sight seeing wore Wilson out

In front of Mars Hill (Acts 17 Plaque)

Sprinting in front of 1896 Olympic Stadium

At the Jewish Synagogue in Ancient Corinth

Building Sand Castles

ocean Trampoline

Kids waiting on their Gyros

Great friends, Great Gyros

1 comment:

Brent Barnard said...

Man, this was a great story and you're a great story teller. My favorite part is the quote above from Miki - so classic. Once when I was living in Manhattan, one of my best friends and I decided to walk the length of the island. After about two hours of my rattling off the history of the place, I apologized for forgetting the history of the neighborhood we were passing. "Oh, no problem," he replied. "History bores me anyway." Wish he'd mentioned that earlier!