30 July 2010

Reflections on Camp

This past week I worked at CEF camp.  Originally I was supposed to team teach with a friend, but he had to pull out at the last minute so it left me as the only guy teaching the Word to a group of Serbian kids, many who did not speak English.   I have to be honest, when I first arrived I was pretty unsure about this whole thing.  The conditions were less then ideal (read hot, no A/C, lots of bugs) for a city slicker like me.  As camp started many of the kids came with hard hearts and had little interest in hearing truth and I was becoming a little frustrated - you know like God what do you have me doing here?  I spent a lot of time and prayer and just asked God to improve my attitude and use me for his purpose, what ever that may be.  Well  first the tempature changed by like 20 degrees - huge boost to my attitude!  Then as I began visiting with kids, hearing their stories, I realized my teaching was really encouraging the young believers and they were excited to be spending a week studying the life of Peter.  God really began to reveal himself to me and allow me to see where he was working.  It was energizing and renewing and by the end of camp God had blessed my socks off and I hope to go back next year.
Other then teaching, what did I do you ask?  Well I played a ton of kickball, quite a bit of badmitten and a little dodgeball.   Killed many many mosquitos! Tried to take opportunities to share my testimony and witness to individual kids.  Found some great quiet places to read the word and relax.  I did not sleep, the kids were up till all hours so I usually got about 3 hours a night in. 
All in all it was a great week.  Many kids moved closer to knowing the truth and a few excepted it.  Kids that were believers were greatly encouraged and learned to be bold in their faith.  I was given my first opportunity to teach the word since we got here and it was great.  I hope the camp continues to grow, and reach the kids of southern Serbia.  God willing this time next year I will get to give you another camp update.  Here are a couple of pics, me teaching and showing off my vicious kickball wind up.  For more pics, see my FB page.

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