18 May 2012

Politics as usual, Just a different place

I don't claim to be a political person and I certainly do not understand much of the politics in my new country, but this month has been election month in Serbia, and I thought I would give all my American readers a look into this process.  There are some similarities here between the U.S and Serbia when it comes to elections but it is very different here in many respects. In Serbia they decide they are going to have elections and one month later BAM, they happen.  No primaries, no long drawn out campaigns.  One month, a thousand billboards, a million flyers in your mailbox, a few rallies at the arena and the Serbs are electing a new government. Most of the campaigning is print, and a little radio, I did not notice many TV commercials etc.   Looking at it from the outside, most efficient thing in Serbia.   Serbia is like the Baskin Robbins of political choices, you can choose form 83 different political parties. ( a friend told me this info he also told me anyone could make a political party all you needed to do was file some paperwork and get 10,000 signatures.  After your party is approved you get money from the gvt.  The reuslt 83 political parties.)   Now only about 10 of them received enough votes to be represented in parliament, but your very specific voice can be heard.  Although it may be drowned out by all the other voices.  Because of the number of presidential candidates the top two are in a run off scheduled for Sunday.  Like in the U.S. the two candidates had a debate wed.  We watched a little of it, seemed pretty much like a debate anywhere (quick aside, here they call it a duel rather than a debate.  I think that is way cooler and seems to add a sense of danger/adventure/urgency to two guys in suits bashing each other with quickly spoken words).  My favorite part of this process has been the part when the party that did not get the most seats in parliament accused the party that did get the most seats of voter fraud.  Classic emerging democracy.  Just like in the good old USA the best campaign tactic here is to attack your opponent, forget the issues. Any way there you have it.... Politics as usual.

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