13 July 2012

Summit Week One

This past week we have been blessed by a team of College Students from Summit Church in Durham, N.C.  They are at the halfway point and I thought I would let you know about their first week here with us.  These guys have blessed our work here, they have blessed our family, and they have blessed the people of Belgrade.
This past week they have partnered with a local body and provided a VBS for over 50 Roma kids in Belgrade.  They have provided over 300 lunches during the week and most of all given the kids a great experience and some fun.  They have taken the kids to the zoo, a huge park for games and finished the week with a day at the water park. 
When the team is not hosting VBS they have been connecting with college students at the dorms.  On Monday night they hosted a college night at a local cafe.  About 50 students came and listened to the team discuss life as a an American college student.  Thursday they hung out with the kids so Jen and I and the Israels could go to a movie.
In the coming week they will be teaching English in three locations in Belgrade.  Here are some pics from this past week:
Dono gettin his coffee shop sound on

Meeting Students

Teaching songs to the kids at VBS

Dave and K play JUST DANCE

Prepping the days sandwhiches

Washing the lettuce

At the park hearing the story of Moses

Back at the Church
The water park with multiple slides and a wave pool
We left Wilson in Belgrade with Randi, day of rest for my Girl

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