21 March 2013

Proud of this kid...er young lady

I have written before about how great this kid is.  I think she is the bravest kid I know.  After living here seven days her parents just dropped her off at a foreign school and she never flinched.  She just learned and made friends and has continued to amaze me with her bravery.  In the days when I am struggling or barely making it, I look at her and see a kid that is thriving and growing to be an amazing young lady.  Those of you that know her already know all of that so today I am going to tell you one more reason that this young lady is AMAZING... she loves the Word of God.  This year she has put her heart and soul into AWANA and has memorized a ton of scripture.  She finished her book nearly three months early and is chomping at the bit to get the next one here.  Of all the things she could decide to do, or to read, or to learn about, I can think of nothing more spectacular then hiding God's word in your heart. 

1 comment:

Gwyn said...

I just have to tell you Carly loved AWANA also, and finished her books early. I think she is really going to enjoy your girls!