05 June 2013

Leadership from an unlikely source

I like to read about leadership and study people who have been historically good leaders.  The past few weeks Wilson has revealed to me on of the worlds unsung leaders.  Who is it, you ask.  It's MICKEY MOUSE.  After watching 100's of hours of the same 20 episodes of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse I have become a serious student of the leadership stylings of M.  Indulge me for a minute and let me convince you that Mickey is a great leader who can teach us all a little about working with people (or ducks, mice and dogs).

First let me explain the concept of the show.   Mickey and his gang always have to solve a problem (usually caused by one of his pals) and they have to think, work together and problem solve. THEY ALWAYS SOLVE THE PROBLEM and MICKEY ALWAYS LEADS THEM IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION.

Lets look at the folks Mickey is working with.  If he can get along and work with these guys and girls all of us can a learn a thing or two from him.  

Minnie:  This is his girlfriend (at least last time I was at Disney World they still had separate houses).  She is a little flighty and seems to get herself into dangerous situations way more often then she should. Mickey has to keep her happy, prioritize saving her, and do whats best for the group.  That is a challenge.  Obviously he does this well because they are still together. 

Donald: This guy is a toughie.  He is jealous of Mickey and wants to be number one. It's his desire to become king of Disney and have his own show (trust me at Disney World he signs his autograph Donald #1 every time).  He has a short fuse, he acts inappropriately, he throws fits, he rushes into things without thinking... basically he is a train wreck.  But he is a duck of action, so he gets things done.  Mickey has to balance this guy, channel his energy and get him working with the team, all the while not getting into arguments over petty jealosy.  Big job and Mickey handles it well. 

Goofy: Wow, if it can break Goofy is going to break it plain and simple.  Goofy's specialty is messing up a good plan.  Mickey has shown great restraint over the last fifty years or so by not firing him. 

Daisy: Daisy is alot like Minnie.  She finds herself in bad situations and needs help.  There is the added layer of dating Donald (we think) and knowing that Daisy wants her man to be the top duck.

Professor VonDrake:  This is the guy who is rarely around but when he shows up he has all the answers.  But he is really smart and really does have all the answers and Mickey in his wisdom defers to him and heeds his advice.

Pete the Cat:  Pete is not on Mickey's team.  In fact he is against Mickey, and is always trying to foil the plans, or at the least add a layer of difficulty.  

So now we know the cast of characters Mickey deals with, what can we learn from Mickey.  
1.  Often times we don't have a choice who we work with so make the best of what you have and find the strengths of those around you.
2.  Be full of Grace.  Mickey never loses his temper, he always works patiently with those around him and even when Donald loses it, Mickey is gracious and works with him.
3.  Use the tools you have.  Mickey always takes the right tools to complete a task.  We can see this as both figuratively and literally. 
4.  Be positive.  Despite the perceived direness of the situation, Mickey is always looking at  a full glass. 
5.  Rely on others.  Mickey is no Lone Ranger.  He works hard looking for others strengths (which means he knows his weakness's) and making sure others shine in their giftedness.
6.  Celebrate everyone.  Mickey always ends his adventures mentioning how "we did it".  The credit is shared with everyone who was a part of the adventure.  Everyone has ownership in the success and that means they are ready to go for the next adventure. 
7.  Love your enemies.  Mickey loves Pete.  He works hard to integrate Pete into the plan and he is always cooperative with Pete's outlandish demands (like insane admission into Mickey Park.  It is Mickey's park he should not have to pay)
8.  Do a dance.  When you have success DANCE.  Mickey and the crew always celebrate success.  We should all do a Hot Dog Dance!

There you go leadership from the worlds foremost mouse!


3boysmom said...

As a family who watches this show daily, this is a brilliant post, and I will now watch with a greater respect for the Mouse!

Kathryn Taylor said...

You crack me up. Good points made though.