27 January 2010

Heavenly Storehouses Laden With Snow

This is two post in one - so read the whole thing
For a family from Texas we have never seen this much snow!  When we woke up this morning there were about 6 inches and probably 3 more throughout the day.  We had to be out in it to get our buses etc.  It took us 15 minutes to get everybody dresses to leave the house - Kids were in full snow gear, boots, gloves, hats, hoods, snow suits- they looked like marshmallows.  Needless to say on the walk to school they only walked through the fresh snow not the nice packed snow.  After school we played!! Snowball fights, snow angels and snow men!!!! (the snow man was kind of puny because the snow was so dry and powdery).  We will probably tire of the snow and cold but for now we were all giddy kids today.  Scroll past the pictures to read part 2

This is a line from one of my favorite worship songs -"Indescribable" from Chris Tomlin.  It speaks to God's glory and how he is the creator and God of miracles.  As I looked out the window, this is what struck me - Our God created everything including this great snow.  Then the sun began to rise and I saw the brilliant, pure, clean white look of the snow.  That early in the morning it was perfect and undisturbed and shone a pure white, then I remebered my heart is as white as snow because of the blood of my Saviour.  It was a great morning, to be here called by God and simply reminded I am who I am because of the blood of Jesus, and more then that, the message must be spread.  Eternity depends on it. 

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