10 January 2012

Lessons from Son to Father

Click HERE to read Jen's thoughts on Wilson's 1st Birthday.
I've been a dad for almost 11 years now and my two girls have taught me many things.  I like to think they have taught me to be sensitive, and concerned when they cry (which is alot).  I know they have taught me to love deeper, and to love more but this past year being the father to a son has seen so many new and different lessons.
 Wilson has truly shown me God's design for us as men and women.  You see amongst the barbies, and little pets, and pink and flowers, that BOY knew that those were for girls, and he was meant to play with cars and trucks and balls. He is so much rougher then the girls, he likes to wrestle and be thrown.  He likes to bang on things and like his dad he loves gadgets (remotes, things with screens, phones etc). It has been uncanny how God wired him to be a boy and grow as a man in His design.
I've also learned about a lot about affection from Wilson.  K and Mac are not affectionate, especially for girls, but Wilson is just so sweet, he loves to pat you on the back and he loves to give kisses (he is learning now that french is best!)  I pray he stays sweet and affectionate, his future wife will probably like that. 
As the father of girls you realize that depending on how they feel about you has alot to do with who they will pick for husbands.  As he father to a son, you realize he will be who I teach him to be and lets be real, that's sort of scary.  But Wilson has alleviated all those fears because he is so sweet and he  has helped show me a little of my sweetness also. 
The past year has been crazy, it has been a wild ride with a boy in the house. Aside from the big lessons above, Wilson has taught me that sleep is for weak people.  He does not need so why should we.  He has taught me that playing with a fork and bowl can entertain for hours on end.  Barney is still cool and Dorothy the Dinosaur is pretty cool too.  All in all the past year has been a blessing and God really does know what he is doing even when we are unsure.
Here are some pictures from his big 1 party.
Wilson's last night before the Big 1

He is one handsome dude

Jen makes an amazing cake as always

Wilson's racing jacket and car

Cake good:  attention and singing, not so sure about that

Just in case you forget who I am

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