15 June 2010

Swim Poolin

Our AC was on the fritz today (our terrific landlords do have someone coming to look at it) so we decided we needed to cool off.  We had been told of a pool up the hill so after lunch we headed that way.  We were way impressed.  First it was super cheap, less then $5 for all of us.  We took some snacks, found a shady tree to put down our blanket and headed to the water.  It was a super place, kind of like a big YMCA.  They had a gym, tennis courts, and three pools.  One huge olympic pools and then two smaller pools.  The water was great, a little chilly (which was what we wanted).  Now we are in Europe so modesty with kids is a little different.  There were several kids around Miki's age with nothing on, and lots of girls up to K's age don't wear tops.  Now for us this was a little strange, but its the norm here.  Miki did not even notice, but you know K did.  Over all a great day and we will definitely go back. 
Here my girls are under the shade tree!!
Here we are in the kiddie pool - very refreshed

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