25 June 2010

Visit to the Serbian Palace

We were very blessed today because of dear friends, the Harvey's, to get the chance to tour the Royal Palace of Serbia.  With two little girls, going to a real palace where a real princess lives - BIG DEAL.
The Serbian Monarchy began around 1804 with the first Serbian Uprising against the Turks. Eventually Serb monarchs ruled the Yougoslovian nation before WWII.  With the Nazi invasion of Serbia in 1941 the monarchy was exiled to London and would stay in exile until 2001.
In 2001 the new government of Serbia invited the Prince back from Exile.  The King (Peter) had died in 1970 (and is buried outside of Chicago, the only monarch buried in the USA).  Alexander, the prince was raised in England and returned to Serbia with his greek wife in 2001.  They hold no power but act as heads of State and a symbol of Serbia's past.
The palace was began in 1922 and completed in 1924 by the present princess Grandfather.  The compound was designed by two Russian architects.  It is done in a Serbian Byzantine style but the basement is much more Russian.  The basement has the movie theater, built when films were silent and the whispering room.  King Alexander had this designed with a fountain so he could have important meetings and not be overheard.   It consists of the Roayal Palace, and small Orthodox Church, and the White Palace.  The Royal palace is where the family lives today.  Tito and Milosevic never lived there but used it to Entertain guests.  The White Palace is used more for entertaining.  It also served as Milosevic's office.  It was in the White Palace where he refused NATO's urging to leave Kosovo, resulting in the 72 day bombing of 1999.
The church was desecrated by the Communist.  They carved on the Icons and shot holes in Jesus's head in the top of the dome.  They also stole several peices of Art.  Tito used the church to store cleaning supplies.  Prince Alexander has refurbed the church and today it is used to Celebrate holidays and the royal family's Slava.
We had a terrific time and a great tour.  We were able to see both Palaces as well as the Church.  It was quite and Honor and the girls were super excited.  We are very thankful for the opportunity.  Here are a few pics you can see more on Facebook:
Here we are in front of the Palace with the pool and Gazebo Behind us and at the Kings Desk

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