12 January 2011

Wilson's Arrival, A Retro Diary

One of my favorite ESPN writers, Bill Simmons, often writes about games using the Retro Diary format.  I thought this would be a great opportunity to bust that out while telling you all about Wilson's arrival.  Now please keep in mind this is from my perspective, Jen swears she will write a guest blog so you can hear her experience.  So here we go....
Sunday January 9th 2010
3:00 AM Contractions start, I was on the couch and had no idea what was going on.
5:00 AM Jen comes in and tells me her contractions are pretty regular and we are going to have a baby today.  She decided to shower and get ready.  I tell her to wake me up and give me 15 minutes to shower.
8:00 AM I wake up and ask Jen if she's ready to go,  she says it's not time so I take my shower to resume the waiting we have been doing for about a week.
10:57 AM Contractions continue, waiting continues.  During this time Jen had been using her phone to track the contractions. I really felt I should contribute to this labor so I told Jen she should look for a contraction app on her phone.  Surely someone has created the contraction counter.  And yes they had, so Jen adds that to her phone which enables her to have one touch contraction tracking.  Glad I could help.
12:30 PM I had promised the girls to take them to a park that was flat and smooth so they could use their new scooter and roller blades from Christmas. So I took my phone (without a contraction app) and we headed to the park.  It was a great time for me and the girls to hang out and play.  K worked on stopping (key skill when rollerblading) and Miki was just Miki trying to run other kids over with her Scooter.
1:30 PM Return home fully expecting to take Jen to hospital but alas we waited some more.
3:00 PM Jens says its time so we hop in the van and head towards Narodni Front Hospital.  Jen texted her doctor on the way, we were hoping he would come in on his day off.
3:38 Arrive at the hospital where a very nice security guard led us to the right place.  They examine Jen and determine she is indeed in labor and wisk her off to the delivery department.  Meanwhile I sit in the hall texting and emailing hoping they don't forget about me.  (Jen will have to fill you in on her experience from this point, it definently has a few differences)
4:22 Very cool doctor walks in, Dr. Raša Amićić, and asks "Where is your wife?" I said she went that way and pointed - like I had any idea where she was?  He said he would find her and come get me.
5:00  Dr. Amićić  came back and said it will be time soon.  He took me to a nurse who gave me scrubs, and a locker so I could be in the delivery.  Most Serbian men don't go to the delivery so this American wanting to be there was a little odd.  Jen and I were alone for about an hour and a half.  It was nice and quiet and we really talked and laughed. The epidural made this more enjoyable for both of us. 
6:30  Dr. returned and determined we were going to have a baby (still very surreal).  He told Jen that we should take a practice push... and well out came Wilson's head.  One more push and there he was in all his naked glory.  From my end seemed pretty simple. The Dr. was impressed, kind of delivery he likes.

Wilson got his first bath, we got to hold him and pray for him.  It was quiet and still, a wonderful moment.  Eventually Jen was taken to her room,  and met her first roommate (she eventually would get a different as the first one went home). I got her all set up and headed home around 10.  All in all it I would say it was a top five day.  We feel very blessed to have had the opportunity to have Wilson in Belgrade, where we live.  It made the extra wait a little easier, we are all home together, and we can share our Serbian baby boy with our Serbian friends in Neighbors.


Keely said...

That sounds a lot different from having a baby in America. Jen seemed to take everything a lot better than I did, but she has had practice. :) Congrats on Wilson. He sure is handsome and can't wait to see more pictures!!

Tracy N. said...

I agree, Jen makes it look easy! What a wonderful blessing to have Wilson join your family. Congratulations!

Bran said...

Awesome!!!! Sounds like a great birth experience! Welcome Little Wilson!