20 March 2011

Thoughts on Number 3

Wilson is 10 weeks old today so I thought I would take a few minutes reflecting on life with three kids.  My first thought - it is great.  I can't even remember our family with just the girls (that's probably from lack of sleep). Wilson really has completed our family (note I said completed, that means finished).  The girls absolutely adore him and they are both great helpers.  It's not all fun and games, I am not a big fan of interupted sleep.  He's doing better the past couple of weeks but the getting up at 6:00 is for the birds.  That's where life has really changed.  It takes a lot longer getting everyone ready and out the door.  I get up early and get myself ready then get the girls fed and dressed - I do not do hair, it just results in a tragic mess.  Jen gets herself ready and handles Wilson. We are also a sight out and about.  Serbian families are usually small - only one kid mostly- so all these blond heads really stand out now.  We feel like we are better parents with Wilson.  A little older, a little wiser, and a whole lot more in tune with God.  We have a lot less with him, and that's good we have learned you don't need all the bells and whistles to raise a happy kid.  It helps to have two sisters who are always "entertaining" him.  We are also using cloth diapers, but that will be a story for the next blog. 

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