09 June 2011

Ms. Miki

Last week I wrote about K and today I want to share how awesome Miki is.  The first change that Michaela experienced here in Serbia was her name changing.  Everyone here has a nickname and Michaela is not a Serbian sounding name at all, so she quickly became Miki at school and not long after that at home too.  M has done the most adjusting here in Serbia.  She speaks very well, she eats the most Serbian food, and the clothes oh the clothes!  She dresses just like her friends, lots of tights, long sleeves and hats until it is HOT!  She is very concerned about being like her friends and not being to different (the blond hair is a dead giveaway, but she is going to blend where she can).  Where K still is very much American, we see that less and less in M.  She even has a hard time remembering English words we don't use very often (like umbrella). 
One thing that has not changed about Miki is she is still super funny.  Here sense of humor is a s sharp as ever and she loves to joke people.  The things she says are witty and funny.  Her latest thing is to make up words.  Her best one is  funny + hilarious = filarious, if you are bestowed with filarious, that is a huge honor.
This past week was supposed to be Miki's school trip but Sunday morning she came down with a terrible fever (104.8) so off to the doctor we went.  Strep throat was the cause and three doses of antibiotics by injection were the cure!  Like all kids the thought of one shot was not very appealing but three was just to much.  On the third day when Miki and I went for the last shot, she took Nunny with her.  As we arrived at the doctor Miki told me she was big and brave and left Nunny in the car.  She marched right in there and with few tears took her third huge shot in the hiney!  I was pretty impressed with her bravery, but I should not be surprised this is the same kid that thinks she can walk to school by herself.  Here are some pics of Miki being Miki.


Cara said...

She is such a cutie! I love that she has to think about what the English words are sometimes. Way to acclimate with flying colors, Miki! :)

skip said...

I read your blog but sometimes I read three or four entries at a time. More fun that way. I am really getting excited to see the kids. I hope I get "hilarious". Lol

Marianne said...

Oh how I miss that sweet girl!! Give her a big hug from me :-)
Ms. Marianne from Germany

Kathryn Taylor said...

She is filarious!