20 June 2011

Refreshed, Recharged and Reflecting

Some reflections from our week in Bulgaria for a business meeting:
- So thankful for volunteers from ALASKA who came to teach our kids and give them a VBS
- If you are ever in the Syracuse area you must go to Northside Baptist Church to hear Pastor Bruce Aubrey, he blessed us tremendously this past week. (and the band was great as always)
- Love listening to my kids sing VBS songs all this week at home
- June is a little cold to swim in the mountians in Bulgaria (if your an adult, kids don't care about water temp)
- My company has tremendous leadership, and it was a blessing to have them there teaching and encouraging us
- Driving through mountain tunnels never gets old, it is so beautiful
-Driving 8 hours home with no AC, not so beautiful
-Is excited that post meeting was the official begining of teammates in Belgrade
- Bulgarian food, not so great.... But they do have Dunkin Donuts so all is forgiven
- Breakouts, much better this year (Brit and Preston), free time in much more abundance
- got to spend some serious time pondering serious questions about Issac and Bethel
- the silver convoy there and back was great with super people
- watching the kids reconnect with old friends and make new ones is exciting
- also it's sad that they get there own food and only want to eat with their friends
- was pulled over for the first time, no ticket, he just wanted a bribe, which I did not pay so he got bored and let me go
- There are some amazing things happening in the Balkans, and it was encouraging to hear about them
- Got to spend time with a great friend sharing and praying
- Met some super people and made some great new friends
- As fun as Bulgaria was, looking forward to Greece next summer

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