03 August 2012

Summit In Their Own Words

For two weeks in July we had a team of volunteers from North Carolina join us here in Belgrade.  They were amazing and I do not have the words to describe the work they did here and the impact that they had. They gave out over 300 lunches to Roma kids.  They spent time pouring into the lives of college students, they played basketball, they explored, they taught Englsih, they got lost and then found again.  They experineced a wonderful city and gave themselves to it.   So I thought it best to share their own words with you and let them express their thoughts to you.  At the beginning of their trip we gave then a card to fill out so all of these thoughts start the same, 

It was a God thing when.....

-I was so encouraged to watch Miki willingly and joyfully serve the Roma children.  I have learned much from your girls

- a student we met came to fellowship! She loved it and took  home the NT.

- God gave me the courage to start just one more conversation with a student after being rejected several times

- We met a student on the street who introduced herself... and then found out she used to live in Chapel Hill

-We connected with a serb guy who lives in Chapel Hill, he wants to stay in contact and even maybe come to the Sumitt

- over 30 students showed up at our Cafe party towards the end of the trip

- Boris introduced us to two young ladies who were interested in hearing the Story and wanted to know more

- when a man tried to speak to us in Serbia at lunch and realized we did not speak Serbian.  He then asked if he could join us to practice his English.  Amazing how God opens the door for conversation.

- To be encouraged by the brothers and sisters here, so few but so amazing.

- when our second morning with the Roma kids, my group ran to me for a big group hug!  That was God telling me that his love was being translated

- when God always turned the conversation to himself. 

We were so blessed to have you all here and look forward to you coming back and joining us again.  To all of you a heartfelt thanks
Kyle, Jen, Miki, K and Wilson

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