08 August 2012

What happens when momma is gone?

Jen and Wilson have been in the States the past ten days, they get back on Friday.  That has left the girls and I on our own, which brings up the question; What happens when momma is gone?  I know most people that have contacted us in Jen's absence have been concerned about food, like are the girls eating, am I preparing meals or did I just sit food on the counter and tell them to fend for themselves  (full confession I totally did that for breakfast, they were on their own... cereal or granola bar its on the counter.  I know its terrible but with no Wilson waking me up I was sleeping in and Miki tends to wake up far earlier then I want to.  Plus it builds character, right?).  Despite everyone's concern we did eat, and not McDonald's every night (only twice out of a possible 30 meals).  About 90 percent of our meals were built on one basic food group, the tortilla (we are fancy here and call everything a wrap). Our meals consisted of hot dog wraps, PB&J wraps, pepperoni wraps, breakfast wraps (bacon and egg for dinner not breakfast see above rant on that) and quesadillas (technically not a wrap but it is on a tortilla).  So to answer your question the girls have not starved, although they get really excited to go eat at the Israels now that I think about it.
The other big concern people have is are the girls having fun (there is some bad publicity out there about my ability to have fun, I have even been called the "murderer of fun" so I am puzzled as to why people are concerned about the girls having fun).  But they are having fun, and lots of it!  Out of a possible 8 days that Jen has been gone we have been to McDonald's twice, seen Ice Age 4 (terrible by the way if your over like 12 years old), had two sleep overs at our house and one at the Israel's, and friends have to come to play during the day.  We went bike riding (trying to teach Miki to ride).  We have rented three movies from the video store and I took the girls to the WATER PARK!!!!  I think that is a ton of fun and I now declare myself #1 fun dad in all of Serbia. 
Despite the culinary excitement I have brought to the house this week, and all the fun we have had mostly we talk about what we would be eating/doing if mom and Wilson were here.  For all the sleeping in I have done, I have missed the morning time with Wilson and Barney (yes that purple dinosaur).  I stay up way to late, not because I am doing  anything but because I rest much better when Jen is here.  So for all the good eating we have done and the fun things we have done, we are ready for Mom and Wilson to be home.

1 comment:

Brent Barnard said...

What a riot! I'm so glad you're keeping your Tex Mex roots alive with the tortilla, an all-purpose food. But no rice and beans? And congrats on surviving without your wife around. I have trouble with that!!