07 February 2010

Cultural Museum

Today Kyleigh had her first field trip with her school.  It was a little different from a field trip in an American School.  The trip was on a Sunday morning, and there were no buses.  We met at the school and parents drove the kid.  We don't have a car so we split up.  Kyleigh and I rode with her friend Nada and her dad.  Jen and Miki rode with Jelena and Petar.  We all made it to the museum, which is in the old part of Belgrade near the fortress.  Kyleigh's class was the only one there and had a personal tour guide.  Of course she only spoke Serbian but Kyleigh's teacher's daughter, Nina, stayed with Kyleigh and translated.  Jen, Miki, and I did our own thing (all the signs were in Serbian and English thank goodness).
We started on the third floor which showed how serbs lived in the 18th, 19th, and turn of the century.  They had miniatures of villages and then different rooms that were set up in the style of the time.  they also had farming, fishing, and other things used in daily life.  The rest of the Museum was dedicated to national costumes.  These were really interesting.  Depending on where in Serbia the clothing was very different.  Closer to Western Europe was more European and closer to the East was more Turkish/Oriental.  The girls liked the clothes (of course) and all the different wedding outfits. 
It was a ton of fun and we were glad to go.  Jen and I got to visit with some of the parents and one of the ladies invited Jen for Coffee - she did find it wierd that all we drink is coffee or water - No beer or wine?

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