05 February 2010

A day at Stevenski Grad

Now that we have been here and sort of have a routine - I thought I would try to capture a typical day for you in our lives.  Now remember every week K's school schedule changes and we have to grocery shop about every other day, but hopefully this will give you a glance.
6:00 - Jen get's up to shower - I follow shortly there after
           for those of you that feel sorry for her getting up first she is guaranteed hot water :)
6:30 - Kids get up and dressed - most morning's are cereal but sometimes Jen cooks eggs and toast.
7:30 - out the door and walk K and Miki to School.  Its about a 1/4 mile to each school
           If K is on afternoon shift she comes to Language School with us and hangs out in the "Klub"
           at the school.  It's not tough they have T.V and she does a little homework.
8:00 - Catch Bus - this is tricky.  The buses are packed sometimes we walk another 1/4 mile where we
           more choices.  Once on the bus we cross the river and Walk down 91 steps.
8:30 - Hopefully we have caught the Tram now and did not wait to long in the cold
8:45 - Arrive at Language school after another 1/4 mile plus walk up a huge hill
9:00 - Language class - three days a week Professor Ranko speaks no English and two days a week
           Professor Tonja speaks a little
10:30 - Down the hill catch the tram, ride, walk up the 91 steps, catch the bus cross the River
11:30 - Back at stop close to home - If K's in morning shift we go pick her up and come home
12:00 - Lunch, usually leftovers or Toasters - a speacilty here that we love (its ham and cheese)
1:00 - We are either, practicing language, having quiet time, or Grocery Shopping
2:00 - Pick up Miki and Drop off K if she is in afternoon shift, continue above activities
3:00 - Go out of we are all here, play, quiet time - the best part of our day
6:00 - Dinner - witch Jen usually starts working on around 4:30 because it's all from scratch
           after dinner is beds and Bath for the girls.  We pray for our M friends and have Family worship.            The kids love this- I read a bible story then they reenact it. 
8:00 Bed for the kids and Jen and I become Vegetables, thinking about the next day
As you can tell its fairly busy around here - the part that makes it busy is all the walking/waiting/riding.  I do prefer the public transport though because it's hard to get lost on a bus.  If you do just catch the next one and go back the way you came.  This is just typical it varies quite a bit and we have ton's of adventures.  I love the Urban living but can't wait for the cold to go away.

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