27 May 2010


Rom. 8:28 - called according to his purpose - we hear this verse alot.  Usually after a tragedy, or misfortune.  But what is his purpose for your life?  We ask ourselves this alot.  God what am I here to do, what do you want me to do, you called me to such and such, now what (my personal favorite).  But if we look at this verse in context and look at the next verse the answer is right there? 8:29 He also predestined to become CONFORMED to the IMAGE of HIS SON!  That's right God's purpose for us is to be like Jesus and by this He is glorified.  It's not the what, it's the who where we find purpose.  So how great is this, you can be in God's movie and your role is to grow more and more like Jesus.  How freeing is that.  Tomorrow we will look at how much God loves us.

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