17 February 2011

Willfull Disobedience

Like most parents we have your typical disobedience issues with our girls (Wilson is to young to disobey but he will learn from the best).  We spend a lot of time repeating our directions, saying stop etc.  Alot of our time is spent correcting.  This is not abnormal, they're kids and learn by our correcting.  We don't correct to be mean, we correct because we care.  I want my girls to grow up and have a great life.  I want their life to glorify God.    Walking home from school everyday with Miki is a test in patience.  She likes to run ahead of me as we head home.  The problem is we walk through parking lots, cross streets - in short it's dangerous.  Miki can't see the danger, I can.  I can see over the cars and around corners, I see danger she can't.  I am running to catch up with her, telling her to stop.  I just want her to walk beside me and hold my hand, so she will be safe, so I can teach her.
This afternoon it hit me... this is how we act towards God.  We run ahead, we ignore direction, we don't hear all God is telling us.  We do what we thin is best, what satisfies us.   We are alot like Miki, but God sees the danger ahead of us and he wants to protect us, but we have to obey.  Christ says "I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." God wants us to live a full life, a life full of enjoyment in him.  This requires our obedience.  My prayer is that as I as the girls to obey me I can become more obedient to the one who gave his life for me. 

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