22 February 2011

Over the river to the International Postal Service we go - Part 1

We love getting packages!  They are one of our favorite things in the whole world.  There is nothing like the love expressed in a box of goodies from the U.S.  The girls treat each package like Christmas all over again.  Whether from family or friends or a church group, each package gives us a chance to remind the girls about people back home who are praying for us and thinking of us.  As we have been here over a year tracking down packages has become much simpler (most are delivered to our door and if not they often go to a post office about a block away to be picked up).  However we do live in Eastern Europe so you can expect some changes and challenges to surprise you.  About two weeks ago Jen's sister, Julia, told us she had sent a package three weeks earlier.  Usually they arrive in about 20 days, so we figured no big deal, Christmas hangover etc.  Well a week later no package but we were not to concerned.  Then last Wednesday the postman knocked, we knew this was the much anticipated Arizona Christmas/Valentines Box (ACVB).  It wasn't. It was a certified letter from the postmaster.  Jen and I combined our Serbian skills (which means she translated the letter and I agreed)to determine that the postmaster had something for us at an unknown location.  We assumed it was the ACVB, but assuming can get you in trouble here.  On the letter was a number to call, which we did, which went straight to a fax, which did not help.  I realized that the letter was from the main post office near the visa office (click here to read my love for the visa office and resulting PTSD http://lovegrowslovegoes.blogspot.com/2010/04/adventures-in-visaland.html)  I decided I would trek across town and see if I could start the process....
Part two coming soon!

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