03 September 2010

Summer in Review

Well come Monday (language starts :)) our first summer in Europe will come to an end.  I thought I would look back at the highlights. We loved the weather, there were some hot times but we had far more days in the  80's then in the 90's - coming from Texas it was glorious.  We had a chance to travel by car to Bulgaria, which really gave us time to take in the geography.  What a beautiful part of the world.  Driving through the Carpathian mountains you know there is a God and he created all.  We saw some beautiful cities, great old architecture.  It's amazing to see structures that reach back to early Roman times.   We had some American food (you may recognize the slogan in the picture). 
We got a great opportunity to explore our city, and see new parts.  It is huge and we will be exploring for years to come.
We grew relationships, and were able grow closer to brothers and sisters.  Much was learned about one another over coffee.  I was able to teach at a youth camp.  Probably the highlight of my summer, meeting kids, being immersed in culture and most importantly sharing the Truth.  Met a great young lady who accepted the Truth and is pursuing knowledge everyday now.
I stayed very busy getting the NGO registered and established.  That was a huge task and I look so forward to how He is going to use this.  As of the last day of August we have an office.  It's gonna take a ton of work to get ready but people are already interested in attending our classes.
K and Miki had a great summer, playing with friends and really playing with one another quite a bit.
Jen got a great Euro haircut, as always she is super cutting edge. 
The summer was very different then back home.  We swam some, but a lot less (water's pretty cold with highs in the 70's).  We missed holidays and gatherings with family and friends.  Kyleigh celebrated her 9th birthday and we sure missed doing that with the people we love.  However much love was shown to us from all over the U.S. through, gifts, calls, emails, packages from all of you back home and we are very thankful.
Well that was kind of random but that's summer here, just going with the flow.

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