07 November 2010

It's been a while!

As I write this I am drinking a fresh cup of Starbucks, breakfast blend, brought home from Budapest.  It's the little things in life. I know I have been absent from the blog but life has been moving at warp speed so this post is gonna just catch everyone up!
Kyleigh is playing volleyball and really enjoying it.  She is making new friends.  The practice schedule is a little different then in the states.  They let us know at one practice when and where the next one will be.  We just roll with it.
Miki is doing great, her teachers no longer speak English to her and she is really thriving in Serbian.  We are trying to find her a ballet class, she also wants to take karate, it's Miki sort of par for the course.
Jen and Wilson are doing great.  Last week Jen and I bit the bullet and went to the hospital with no help.  We (Jen really) used her awesome language skills to get us a brief tour and get some questions answered.  We were really pleased and think Narodni Front Hospital is going to serve our needs just fine.  We look forward to sharing our Serbian boy with our friends and neighbors here.   We also completed our third language course and Tuesday will begin a new course in a new location.  We are excited to have new teachers as well be about 5 minutes from home.  This means we avoid a one way, one hour, trip on public transportation everyday.  Very happy people here.
I have been busy getting our business from the approval stage to the up and running stage.  I have rented office space, bought some furniture (still got a long way to go here) and started teaching to English classes a week.  This has really kept me busy but aloud me to meet some great people as well as build new relationships.
We have also started our first small group and are studying the book of Mathew.
I am going to work hard this month to more diligent and keep up with blogging more.  Thanks for reading and have a great week.

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