12 February 2012

Party Down With the Clown

So Miki turned six this week and on Saturday we had a party here at the house for her.  Because of the Great Freeze of 2012 (those Mayans may be on to something, we will see) we had to scrap the invite her class plan (19 girls), and go with the invite friends of the family plan.... much better.  After going to a party earlier in the year, Miki had decided she wanted a clown party, so we hired the best clown in the world Zvanko!  He was hysterical and all the kids had a great time, and the adults too.  I mean really a clown is entertaining for all ages.  Jen was her usual amazing self making a clown Pinata and an amazing cake (thanks to Amy and Randi for throwing in some box cake mixes).  We are very grateful to our friends who braved the cold and snow to come celebrate Miki.

Big Kid with her Clown Cake

The Pinata

The Clown

Silliest kin in the world

It tastes as good as it looks

The boys with balloon swords

and of course we had face painting

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