02 March 2010

Random Stuff From My Brain

Based on the Title this could be dangerous - read at your own expense.

1.  Music - I love Music!! Can't sing, can't dance, can't play an instrument but music moves me and touches my soul.  I LOVE WORSHIP MUSIC!!  Sundays are really hard with no LPC, but iTunes has been helping me there.  Although its not worship music my new favorite album is Tonight by Toby Mac.  The whole album is amazing but two songs really speak to me - The title track "Tonight" - it's about something starting now - not waiting, not looking at past failures but doing it now.  That's what i want - such faith in God that it starts now, no doubt in myself because I am led by HIM!.  Here is a video its not the official one - although you should got to You Tube and check it out.
The other song is "City On Our Knees".  Everyday I ride a bus through a city of Two Million people and sometimes the lostness is overwhelming.  I want to see this city come to it's knees in worship of our Father - I want to see a Great Awakening in Europe with my city as its Epicenter and 100's of years from now people talking about how God moved a whole continent and the world from Eastern Europe.

2.  Ephisans - Great book, been studying it in my quiet time and how it has spoken to me.  We are all one body - there is so much seperation here between the few believer's that are here - if we could all come together as One body in Christ - then we can see God moving.

3.  He is working here - there are some tremendous things happening here.  An amazing college ministry, working with the future.  Please pray for those students - they will make a difference here.

4.  My kids crack me up - they are doing so great here.  They are brave and fearless.  They hop on and off busses and just follow us whereever.  They are making friends, K uses her gym bag as a witnessing tool - the words are English now but she is sharing her heart and I am so proud of her.

5.  Skype call with LPC.  Wow what encouragement!!!  To see people we care about thinking of us and curious about our lives here.  And to be prayed over - even from 1000's of miles away - if nourished a hungry and thirsty soul

6.  I miss good friends - I've always had some and now there aren't any and some days that's hard.  I know God will put somebody in my life.  I pray for that friend to  walk with me here (jogging would be nice) or God could move the Taylor's here :)

7.  I should be remiss at this point I have not mentioned Jen.  What an amazing wife!!!!  God did give me that perfect partner for this adventure.  She has been a complete encourager - not to mention unbelievable cook!  She has gone above and beyond.  I know when I have had a long tough day walking the streets of Belgrade to get things done - she will be here to give me the energy I need for the next day.

8.  COMPLETE DEPENDENCE!!! - I have always blazed my trail on my own and most times that resulted in more heartache then was needed.  Coming here and doing this has totlaly broken me of that.  It can't be done without total dependence.  It's to hard, there are way to many obstacles, and attacks from the evil one.  What I'm doing now and what I was supposed to do here - totally different - way out of my comfort zone - but that's why i have to be totally dependent.  The work here has to be His will, and if I was the least bit comfortable I'm afraid it might look like my will.

Well if you read this far you must have been really bored but I want to leave you with a picture that you can only see here.  You know how in the old west you went to the Saloon and tied your horse out front - well in Serbia you go to the Grocery store and do this.

  Thanks for letting me clear my head have a great day

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