15 March 2010

Suprise Visitors

If I was writing this from Africa, or South America, or another exotic location you may think this post was about critters, giant bugs or other such pests, but it not!
As we were cleaning up after lunch today our buzzer went off (If someone wants in the building and wants to see us they buzz us and we have a hand set we can talk into).  Now we never have suprise guests, so I picked up the handset and in my best Srpski said "Zdravo"! (hello) figuring soeone pushed the wrong button.  The response back was in English - suprising- "Kyle Stevens?  It is the police and Office of Foreigners.  May we come up?"  Now are you going to say no to that, so I buzzed the up.  A few minutes later I open the door to a very nice badge (and police men) and a nice young lady.  I invited them in and we introduced ourselves.  I said :pardon our mess we just finished lunch and were not expecting visitors" to which Jelena replied "That's the point".  We all sat down and spent about 15 minutes answering questions.  Why are here?  What are you doing?  Why did you pick Serbia?  etc  It was all pretty friendly but I was still pretty nervous - especially since I was the one getting asked all the questions.  After they were done they got up and said we could pick up Visa's on Wednesday.  So I guess we will get a visa - yippee. 

All in all it was a neat experience but not what I expected on a Monday afternoon. 


The Spears Family said...

That was way worse than a critter coming in!

KJ said...

guess that's why you went through that stress training? whew!

The Lazenby Family said...

Yikes!!!! Glad to hear that the STS worked so well!! Congrats on the visas and congrats on handling the experience in such a great fashion. Were those hearts beating kind of fast on the inside??

Kathryn Taylor said...

I will take my African cockroaches, spiders, geckos, and lizards over your Serbian critters any day.