31 December 2010

It's been a wild year

2010 started with the Stevens Family waking up in a new country, starting a new adventure.  This time 1 year ago we were sitting in a new apartment, in a new city, in a new country (we had been here about 4 hours) and I was thinking wow, what have we just done.  What we had done, turned out to be the best year of our lives.  For us it's simple when your obedient to God, things work out.  Obedience does not mean things are easy but they are worth it.  So in no particular order here are some highlights and insights from 2010:
- learning a new language, easily hardest thing I have ever done
- kids are amazing, they have learned language, made new friends, and adapted with ease and grace  
- I finally made it to London and saw Westminster Abbey: AMAZING
- It takes less time to drive through three countries here then it does to drive across Texas
- urban life is good, we love the close proximity of bakeries, cafes, and markets
- I could do without having to use public transit, but it is the way things are done here
- as little fun as public transport is, parking in the city is crazy hard
- vacation was on the Black sea, not a bad vacation spot
- we have met countless wonderful people who have taken care of us as we learned to live here
- I started a non government organization/small business in a foreign country, definently did not see that coming
 - Skype and the Magic Jack are amazing, keeping up with family and friends all over the world with the click of a mouse is pretty cool
- my European geography is greatly improved
- fireworks mean different things in different countries, in America they mean pretty sparkly things in the sky, here they mean extremley loud bomb like noises or small arms fire
- driving in Europe requires you be offensive, defensive drivers get run over
2010 was a great year for us.  God taught us a ton, most importantly I learned this in living color: Philippians 4:19  And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.
Seeing how God has provided for us, and seeing how that provision has glorified him, has been both inspiring and humbling.  We know 2011 will bring many changes and new adventures (namely a little dude names Wilson!) and we look forward to seeing how God is glorified in 2011. 

1 comment:

The Spears Family said...

I've been meaning to say for a while that Jenn's new 'do' rocks.