05 December 2011

Winter Phenomena

Winters in Serbia are tough.  It's cold, it's grey, and it's dark super early.  But is has it's positives also.  The snow is beautiful, chances for a white Christmas are significantly higher then in Texas. Other then the bitter cold (it hasn't arrived yet but you can sense it in the people, every knows its coming) the biggest problem I have with winter is the outdoor cafe seating dissapears.  This results in having coffee in a tiny cafe where 93% of the people are smoking.  This results in me having to wash my clothes more often (remeber the bitter cold, I have to wash my coat too).  But judging from the title of this blog you are probably thinking that is not very phenomenal and you are right.  This was a long introduction to let you know about the most interesting winter phenomena in Serbia:  The Make Out Phenomena.
I'm not sure if this is a Serbian thing, a European thing, or a big city thing but it is something.  See the problem arises because most young people (18 - 30) live at home until they are married.  Most homes in Belgrade are pretty small so this leads to a lack of privacy.  In the spring and summer the parks are full of make outers, but the parks are big so it's pretty easy to ignore and turn your attention elsewhere.   Winter cafe time is a whole different situation.  In the cafe your table is about 4 inches from the table next to you so if the make out couple is next to you, well you sort of feel like your part of the action.  But cafes are not the only place to make out, the bus is an ok place, the mall seems to be pretty popular - mainly the food court.  But the coolest place to make out is Mcdonalds.  Every time I go, there are  multiple couples making out.  I think this is because this is the cool place for kids to hang out.  And we all know where you find the kids is where you will find the making out.

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