16 November 2011

Rants and Revelations

Because Wilson was born in Serbia we have had to do a number of things at the U.S. Embassy in Belgrade.  We have had to get his passport, get his American birth certificate, and get his SS card.  To do these things we go to a part of the embassy known as U.S. citizen services.  Now the name implies that this is a place where U.S. citizens could receive service, but this is not the case.  All three times we have dealt with the same clerk and the best way I can put it is she is rude. She has never been to the United States yet she acts like she knows everything about it.... it's infuriating.  She has told us our marriage liscence was not a marriage licsence because it did not look right, I got a good scolding this week becasue I did not pick up Wilsons Birth certificate in a timely manner (never mind the fact that the government was changing systems so it took 7 months to get here) and she would not schedule an appointment for me to get Wilson a SS card, I had to go home and call the office.  Guess who answered the phone, that's right the rude lady I was just talking to.    So that's my rant.


We have been here for nearly two years so there are many things that happen a daily basis that may be interesting to you but to us they are just the way things are.  Amy being here has really opened my eyes (revealed to me) some of the interesting things I should be sharing with you. So in that vane I want to welcome you to:
That's right its Cuban Days at the local shopping center.  According to this sign you can get a Cuban meal at the cafeteria, there is a picture display of Havanna on the concourse (without Castro).  There are also little displays of "traditional" Cuban things through out the store (musical instruments etc.).  I just figured this is not something you would typically see in the U.S. say at Wal-Mart.  But this sign was not the only thing welcoming you to Cuban Days.  There was this:
Nothing like a giant Cuban flag welcoming you to shop.  The great part is the celebration of the little island did not end here.  The girls went to birthday party on Sunday.  It was at a very cool indoor playground with a big pirate ship. Now pirates and Cuba I have no idea what those in common (maybe Black Beard hung there).  But the cafe that the parents hung out at the party was the La Revolucija - dedicated to the Cuban revolution and Mr. Castro.  I just thought all that was interesting and you should know about it.
Those of you with kids (like say a 5 year old) have probably never uttered the sentence:
"Sorry I did not here my phone ring, I was picking up Miki from the Discoteka (disco)."  But that is what I told Amy on Saturday when I missed her call while getting Miki from a birthday party at the disco.  In all fairness it was a disco for kids but it had loud music, and a mirror ball.
I'm going to try to do a better job of keeping you - the loyal reader- aware of these little tidbits.

See you tomorrow for Fantastic Friday!

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