29 November 2011

Thankfulness, the main thing

So I missed last friday, the post thanksgiving hangover and preparing for Saturday's thanksgiving festivities caused a lapse in blogging.  That coupled with the fact that I wanted to give this topic the proper time and treatment resulted in my tardiness.

The Most Importatnt Thing, The Life Changing Thing, for me I call it The Main Thing.  It is the thing that I am most thankful for. It is the thing that makes everything else in my life possible.  All I have to be thankful for, from the air I breathe to my wonderful wife flow from this.  What is it?  What could I be this thankful for?  It is my relationship with Jesus.  Just knowing I have a relationship with Jesus makes the morning worth getting up for (and trust me that's hard when you know how cold it is and it is only going to get colder).

Like all of us I have a sin problem, but I have the grace of Jesus, freely given, and with that foregiveness for my sins. Every time I think about it, that gift that is so available, it amazes and boggles me.  You see, I know I am not worthy of heaven.  But the creator of the universe so loves me (and you) so much that he paid the debt for our sin with his son, Jesus Christ.

This main thing is more then forgiveness, grace, and redemption.  It's that daily relationship. Like all of us I am prone to wonder, but the daily walk with Christ sustains me.  It's the thing that I am most thankful for.

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